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Old 2013-11-14, 15:41   Link #5
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Join Date: Sep 2008
I just hope ichika will eventually turn into shift nr.3 and gain energy regeneration ability.... ichika is losing becouse most of his attacks are basing on his own shield draining... he lost to cecilia (sheild drained)... to rin (shield drained)

but its not like he lost... he lost a school match where when you lose shield its game over.... but in real comat ichika might have won becosue if you have your own life on the line you act differently compared to school where you think its just a match and no harm will happen to you.... its like playing a console game you lose but the console wont blow up in the face so the who win or lose don matter at the end

Ichika is like beign prepared to the real life... where there will be times where his life will be at stake and his actions and skills will decide if he wins or loses his life.

hmmm I guess the anime makers are going the different path becouse in the novel Squall never shown her IS while where we have a glimpse of how they made it for looks strange anywya lets see how they will play the season out by going their own path
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