Thread: Licensed Saki manga
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Old 2013-11-26, 23:29   Link #4195
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You know if we ever construct an in-universe betting odd for the semi-finals it would go like this.
Remember the format for sport betting is this:
Stakes: Payoff

Edit Note to those who haven't gambled before:
Stakes meant the minimum money needed to gamble. For example 5:3 meant you need to pay 5 dollars if you gambled there. If you lose, the 5 dollars is forfeit to the bookmaker. If you win, you get back your stakes + the payoff indicated. Thus, if you bet 5 dollars in a 5:3 odds and won. That meant you got 8 dollars at the end of it.

I know. ^^ But, in-universe I want a profit margin and no sane bookmaker will bet against them. Kyouko even commented that their team composition isn't fair. Its like bringing international stars in a national level competition. Even casual fans of mahjong will recognize their team is RIGGED!

If possible I would even exclude them from the betting because I don't want to hemorrhage money.

The 5th ranking school. They even have the Trapmaster Atago. They are tried and tested as well plus they have great coaching. *cough* 20 interesting person that may or maybe pros for a practice session? really? *cough*

I bet that the bookmakers believe that this will be Rinkai-Himematsu finish. Thus, the underdogs are Kiyosumi and Uzusan in-universe.

Usuzan/ Kiyosumi
1: 5
Newbie teams which is debuting for the first time in the nationals. Other than the praise of Hayarin for Usuzan and Nodoka in Kiyosumi there is nothing to show that their strong. They don't have coaches and their roster is limited. Casual fans would rightfully dismiss them in-universe. Come to think of it, I don't know if they actually believe in Nodoka. A reporter said that they will be watching her fail. Hmmm...

Additional Note: Casual fans = those who just follow their prefecture and the nationals and don't watch every single game that happens in the prefecture level. I assume most people are in this level. Because anyone who watched the Nagano finals and called Kiyosumi weak is insane.

Anyway, as watchers with OOC knowledge I would make this as a bookmaker.

The chances that they won't make it is nil.

Their team is so good. Sorry guys.

Himematsu :
Well balanced and good roster. I could easily see them in the finals as well.

5: 4
Sorry, guys. You truly are the underdog.
Edit: On second thought, since their vice-captain and captain are supposed to be powerful... I upgraded their odds. Still, as bookmaker I gave them the highest payoff because of the uneven team composition.

So how many dollars are you guys betting? And to whom?
If you want to specify the 1st and second. The payoff will double though if you guessed the wrong order, it will be forfeit. ^^
(Lol. My sport gambling is showing.)

Last edited by night_sentinel; 2013-11-27 at 00:03.
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