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Old 2013-11-28, 07:59   Link #1038
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Join Date: Sep 2008
Age: 38
Originally Posted by Wanderer View Post
Pretty much. They broke a really good story. I could maybe feel OK with braking it if they had some kind of plan to rebuild it into something worth the sacrifice, but they don't.
Based on what? All signs actually point towards them continuing the story, so I don't see where you get the idea that they have no plans to rebuild.

In the first place I don't think anything worth the sacrifice is even realistically possible, but the creators have even basically said that at this point they're making the story up as they go along. It's just sad.
Considering it was meant to be a one-and-done single cour series... obviously? I mean, it isn't based on any source material, so really it was being made up as they went along in the first place.

I was literally in a state of grief in the days after I saw the movie. The overriding of the original ending caused me feelings of personal loss.

I do have some excitement to see where the story is taken next, but I doubt the story as a whole can ever again be as meaningful as it once was. As it stands now, it's not even close.
Then you shouldn't have watched it in the first place. If the original story meant that much to you, you shouldn't have risked it by expanding. It's not like this is necessary to get the whole story or anything.
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