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Old 2013-11-29, 10:37   Link #589
Lulu Vie Britania
Genderless telepath
Join Date: Nov 2012
Location: Norway
It seems to me I'm the only one who has so many questions about Accel

From the 1 NT, chapter 4, part 14.
He had entered the tunnel.
Of course, just a tunnel wasn’t enough to completely seal Accelerator’s movements. If so, he would have been assassinated long ago. The interference was only something that may happen. That meant his power could end up being weakened by some unknown amount.
However, if he lost control of his power even for a few seconds while surrounded by concrete and chasing after someone at over 700 kph, he would be dead. Scraping up against the wall would be enough to turn him to mincemeat.
He couldn’t continue the chase.
If he was willing to destroy and rip off the top of the tunnel that was also part of the city, he could continue, but he most likely wouldn’t do that. If he was a complete villain, he might have done so, but sadly the #1 was no longer that far down that path.
Simply put, he wouldn’t sacrifice others to carry out his own goals.
Even when refusing to do so put the life of the person he was protecting at risk.
I'm confused because it literally means that if this Accel was the Accel before getting beaten by Touma the second time, he might have sacrificed normal people/civilians/bystanders in order to prevent Fremea's death. Though Accel was actually continuously telling people that it was awful to cause damage to civilians and normal people no matter which goals they were pursuing, while working in GROUP. Maybe when author wrote 'complete villain' he was referring to a potential Accelerator, maybe whom he could become if continued walking the path of evil? Cause looking at Accel's behaviour, thoughts and values he had had even before the fight with Touma, I can't believe he would have hurt/killed civilian.
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