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Old 2013-11-30, 20:20   Link #4
Dr. Casey
Senior Member
Join Date: Nov 2007
Location: Tennessee
Age: 36
If this is an either/or situation, where you can either be a nice person who isn't truthful or a truthful person whose only good point is being truthful, then I'd pick 'a nice person.' Kindness is a good quality and also encompasses important traits like loyalty. Being 'truthful' isn't that wonderful a thing if you're a piece of shit otherwise.

If I take the question a bit less stringently, I do place more personal importance on being kind than being straightforward. A lack of the former bothers me more than a lack of the latter, and I'm sensitive enough to interpersonal strife and drama that being unfailingly blunt would probably keep me in a constant state of wanting to slit my throat open due to the fallout that would result (ie hurting other people's feelings, making them pissed off or otherwise bent out of shape, and so on). With that said, though, I do try to be coldly honest whenever I feel that it's absolutely necessary and have grown more blunt as I've gotten older, though I'll probably always be more of a people pleaser than a straight shooter.
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