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Old 2013-12-03, 20:55   Link #32271
Join Date: Oct 2013
Location: Singapore
I'm not much of a grunt collector but the ones I have built are:

- Powered GM
- Rezel Type-C [GR]

Man, that's a pathetic list, but anyway, for the Powered GM, it was an alright build. Straight forward and simple, it is a no fuss kit with some nice features like the rotable wrist and my favourite, that Bullpup machine gun.

As for the Rezel, it's an overwhelming grunt unit. Despite it's mediocre showing in the movie, the kit is large. I swore it towers over most of my Gundams. In fact, just the backpack alone felt like an entire unit on its own. It's one of the few kits that really look good in waverider form too. The only gripe I have about it is the long seamlines, on the guns and the limbs.

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I myself am starting to feel the love for grunt units but since I've not done my Zaku and GM Sniper, I can't give an honest opinion about it.

I gotta say that the recent variations of the Zaku II looks to be quite a nice addition to the HG lines.

But of course, the best grunt 1/144 model kit is the RG Zaku II
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