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Old 2013-12-04, 15:44   Link #66
Senior Member
Join Date: Sep 2008
Age: 38
4. Ore no Imouto
Was hoping they'd go against the novel ending. Alas, they did not.

3. Severing Crime Edge
Just sort of ends. It definitely seemed like they had planned on doing a season 2 (even showing scenes that would have appeared in the credits of the final episode), but it had such low sales the idea got canned. As such, the series just felt empty.

2. Day Break Illusion
Had all the makings for an intense story, but ended up faltering to a "friendship conquers all" BS ending.

1. Suisei no Gargantia
Guh, where do I begin? The slow pacing, the lack of tension, or how every episode that Urobuchi did not personally write was awful?

Did not include series that I only tried one episode of before dropping, series that I liked the previous seasons of but didn't bother with current seasons due to knowing how bad they'd be (Hayate), or series that I had on my "watch backlog" but haven't watched yet due to horrible reviews (that Beyond the Boundary series).
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