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Old 2013-12-06, 12:48   Link #19
Join Date: Dec 2013
Location: Hong Kong, UTC+8
Originally Posted by Vegard Aune View Post
It isn't? I admittedly haven't managed to really check what people are saying about it myself due to being utterly useless at reading kanji, but I basically went and saw this movie on the premiere day because... I had nothing better to do that day... and I was surprised by just how much I ended up liking the movie. Now, calling it my favorite non-Miyazaki film from Studio Ghibli would be damning it with faint praise as it is the only one I've seen which he had no involvment in, but I can say that I thought it was a movie that worked on pretty much every level (Well, I didn't much care for the first 10-15 minutes or so, but then again this is an extremely Japanese movie, and Japan apparently does not share Hollywood's opinion that the first scene of a movie needs to instantly grab the audience's attention), and it's probably my fourth favorite Ghibli movie overall. (For the record, the top 3 for me would be Porco Rosso, Spirited Away and Princess Mononoke.)

So if it's true that this movie is getting a lukewarm reception in general, then this fact kinda saddens me.
In fact I just discovered I'd used a wrong word...what I meant was boxoffice...
Reception-wise, just randomly checking a site, it is above average although not exceptionally high..
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