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Old 2013-12-24, 00:52   Link #41
Join Date: Oct 2012
Location: Canada
Originally Posted by erneiz_hyde View Post
I disagree.

If anything, I think calling for help is what most weak and timid person would do in the first place. It's the confident and strong willed who dashes head first towards a disaster to help people. In that sense, you could say Kyousuke definitely succeeded in making Riki stronger.
If there is someone reliant or someone that the weak person can depend on (that is either with him or nearby) then yes, that person would have enough confidence to run and call for help by himself. Usually somebody needs to bring a weak person back to his senses to be able to act accordingly quicker than wasting time first in shock. Riki is stronger now to to able to go to the site (and inside it) himself, if it was his old self then he would of gotten an attack on the spot the moment he sees the bus and the blood. So you're right on that point. :3

Originally Posted by GDB View Post
Also, didn't Japan ban cell phones at school? Meaning they probably didn't even have them on them.
It's likely they have their cellphones on them.
It's not allowed during classes, but it is allowed during trips since families want to stay in contact with their kids.
It can be used during own time, just not during activities. :3

Last edited by Magicflier; 2013-12-24 at 01:02.
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