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Old 2013-12-27, 00:23   Link #103
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Join Date: Dec 2013
Originally Posted by Marcus H. View Post
I wouldn't be surprised, actually. There has been at least a year gap between the end of Gosick's media and Gosick Red, so the volume should act as a refresher of sorts.
I guess it works as an introduction to the series for new readers. The set-up in chapter one, with Kazuya going to meet Victorique and her guessing correctly about what he had been doing while insulting him copiously, is exactly like every chapter one in the other novels. It's still weird seeing them still bicker and call each other names as if they haven't changed at all, despite the 5 years of trials they've gone through by this point. But I suppose the author intends to give them more development in later books. At this point they aren't even married yet, only living together awkwardly, and referred to by others as roommates.

By the way, Ruri Kujo is now married to a Musha(no)kouji and has a son. What happened to her and the other characters?
Mushanokouji, who was introduced in GosickS II. Ruri's father tried to marry her off to one of Yasuhiro's friends when she was close to graduating high school. She initially hated the idea since she couldn't stand square-jawed manly men like her father and brothers, but after learning about the sensitive guy hiding inside his rough exterior, she warmed up to him. Now they live in Greenwich Village and have a son named Rokushou ("verdigris" or "patina"...strange name if you ask me) who is scared of uncle Kazuya but in awe of Victorique.

I don't recall any other characters mentioned by name. But in the epilogue, a certain blond-haired, green-eyed aristocrat who loves to dress fashionably is mentioned as having been scouted off the streets of Sauvreme and propelled into becoming an international movie star...
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