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Old 2013-12-30, 09:48   Link #32435
Master of Coin
Join Date: Mar 2008
What, like South Korea sending military forces to occupy the island in dispute, when international law does not recognize it their own? That's restraint?
China sent boats to their disputed island as well, although granted, not nearly as provocative as sending actual military.
If you are referring to the Liancourt Rocks, interesting enough, is close to Korea than to Japan. Again, nobody was harmed in this "occupation" as far as I can tell, as opposed to when Japan decided to "occupy" Korea or China.

Visiting a shrine of all fallen soldiers, where most of the people are visiting to pray to their grandfathers... is more provocative than military takeover?
Mention the Japanese military to anyone over the age 60+ now days in Korea, Singapore or China and you will get a reaction akin to the mention of the DEVIL himself. No need for any nationalist propaganda. So yes, when your prime minister go around praying at a shrine dedicated to, at least some portion to murderous thugs, you will get a definitely negative response.

Western nations like America needed Japan for the cold war, so they "forgave" Japan fairly early. Plus, countries like America never suffered the absurd amount of damages China or Korea did.

I won't even mention them shielding burglars who raided a Japanese temple and stole Buddha statues.
I have no idea what you refer to?

If resorting to crime, violence, riots, and military threat is your idea of "restraint", that's completely insane.
Japan broke the bar when it come down to "overreaction," so everything else is "restraint." Also, which crimes are you talking about?

Tokyo isn't getting firebombed, little Japanese girls aren't pressed into comfort women, Japanese men right now aren't used as force labors then cannon folder, Japanese culture isn't being systematically erased, and the unit 731 isn't cutting any captured JDF soldiers or random civilians for "medical research", no mass rapes in any cities in Japan at the moment.

Despite Japan having disputes with Korea, China, Taiwan, and Russia, other than words, there haven't been any causalities on anyone's side.
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