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Old 2014-01-04, 01:01   Link #2435
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Originally Posted by Dextro View Post
To be fair I'm more saddened by the fact that the FMP novels never got officially translated past the 4th volume than anything else. I actually never read the 3rd one since I couldn't manage to find a copy (and the old fan translation is nowhere to be found).
Well, that's pretty sad and sucky. You'd think that the obvious passion of overseas FMP fans would be enough to warrant somebody translating this.

To keep this somewhat on-topic (for the thread), what I hope to see from KyoAni has largely flipped compared to where those hopes were a few months ago.

Of KyoAni's last four works, my personal enjoyability rankings would be...

1, Chuunibyou
2. Free!
3. Kyoukai no Kanata
4. Tamako Market

Not that I hated Tamako Market, but I did drop it after a few episodes, so KnK gets an edge over it for that reason alone. The biggest gap above would be between Free and KnK.

With Chuuni and Free!, KyoAni adapted content well-suited to its distinctive style (Free is simply the gender-flipped version of that distinctive style, pretty much).

KnK and Tamako Market were the two (of the four) most outside KyoAni's comfort zone (KnK for its darker and more action-packed sections; Tamako Market for having a lot of important adult characters and a talking animal fantasy element that's prominent for the whole show).

In my view, KyoAni clearly does its best work when using content that fits snugly within its comfort zone. When it ventures too far outside that zone, it half-asses it a bit.

So I look forward to more Chuuni, and more Free! And maybe we'll see an idol show off the heels of KnK (rather than more KnK itself). If this is what KyoAni goes with, I'll be content.

What do fellow followers of this studio think?
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