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Old 2014-01-08, 03:49   Link #7317
Join Date: Nov 2007
Age: 35
Originally Posted by Lord of Fire View Post
I'm not aware of any troublesome wisdom teeth giving you brain damage, though I have heard that infected gums/teeth can lead to cardiovascular diseases, heart attacks or maybe even blood poisoning, so it's best to prevent it from getting that far.

The extraction itself shouldn't hurt, assuming your dentist will partially sedate you before actually doing so. The only real things to worry about are excessive gum bleeding and pain after the sedation wears off (even though it doesn't always happen). And if more than one tooth needs to be pulled, you'll be looking at a few visits at the very least, as I doubt he'd pull them all in one sitting.

So, yeah, just go to your dentist and ask him what to do. Maybe you can get by with just proper oral hygiene, but be prepared for the worst just in case. It's better than just sitting around and wait till you have no other choice but to get them out.
The theory is that the impacting teeth push against your other teeth and cause immense pain. Your jawline has a direct link to the central nerves, and it is either you damage the nerves or your brain.

Mine insisted on getting all four out at once (one times good one and get it over with). By the time the second one was out, my nerves were deafened to the point which they became numb. The last 2 came out without a hitch.

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