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Old 2014-01-22, 14:23   Link #10
Senior Member
Join Date: Aug 2013
This season is kinda lame. Some acceptable at best shows, a bunch of unremarkably bad shows and only couple of really good or awful shows.

Good shows I actually care about:

Space Dandy: humour, attitude, and really good visuals, with silly science faction on top. Not only is it good, but it's totally my kind of show. Only op and ed this season I even remember.

Shows that are good enough:

Noragami: it's fun, action looks good, nice characters. Nothing much to say besides that.

Nobunagun: it (I hope) will have action, which is enough for me this season. And I like the mc.

Hoozuki no Reitetsu: the first episode was really fun, even if a few went completely over me.

Shows I only watch because I have more time than stuff to do:

Nobunaga the Fool: I was kinda hyped for this, but between the nothing special first ep, and a second one that was half nothing half exposition and hundred percent boring, the hype is dead.

Engaged to the Unknown: meh. Maybe it'll manage tomake something out of itself.

Buddy Complex:I'll kinda watch anything that's Sunrise and mechas, so...

Gin no Saji S2: I never quite got why everyone loves this. But it's good enough to keep with it.

Stuff I dropped, might keep up with it:

Nisekoi: was gonna watch this, but no. Shaft can be as gaudy as they want with the visuals, everything else is kinda lame.

Witchcraft Works: maybe yes, maybe not. I guess I'll keep up with it while I feel like it.

Pilot's love song: Really, I dont' care about this, but it seems more interesting than most other options. At least until I get bored of it being 90% school hijinks. Maybe the mc will learn revenge is bad or something and I'll get angry at the show.

Pupa: might be good once the BD are out, if someone edits it into a single episode OVA without censorship and credits. Meanwhile, it isn't.

So bad it makes my chest hurt, so I'll watch them:

Imocho: A teenage girl's life is in the road to ruin because of a ghost fixated with incest and sexual harassment. And it's played as a silly romantic comedy. Priceless.

Chuu2-koi: watching the first season was close to unbearable, a despairing experience. At this point I have simply accepted I'll never enjoy any Kyoani show beside FMP. So I'll probably watch most f their stuff.
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