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Old 2014-01-31, 14:32   Link #4811
Manus ad Ferrum
Join Date: Dec 2012
Location: Costa Rica
Age: 33
Originally Posted by Usami_Haru View Post
No you're misunderstanding when Nasu wrote the Fate route Saber had in fact been a man just a short time before. She was gender swapped when fate became a VN and then on top of that Nasu wanted to write a traditional girl-meets-boy romance.
I know that. I have seen Fate/Prototype. But my point stands. He is trying to say that the character is defined by its gender, and that is not the mark of a good character. He changed the genders and expected to have the same story without realizing he had change the roles of these stories usually work. The girl here is the mysterious, powerful and charming knight and the boy is the helpless, naive and need to be rescue damsel. If he saw a problem there, why did he change the genders in the first place? I know marketing but it didn’t help the story.

So keeping that in mind he tries to reverse the roles Saber and Shirou have, without changing the form the characters are set. So we end with that weird notion Shirou is he hero and Saber the romance interest. So, when the author notices the mess he just created tries to fix it, by saying stuff that just don’t come good out of a character which is say to be weak and untalented for combat. Is almost like a parody of the idea but he stays with it, refusing to let go like a man who stars a car, puts on a blindfold and accelerates to top speed. Is just not a good idea but somehow they reach their destination. At least that is how I see it. There aren't really right answers since some people might see it different. I just say that to me, the problem is Shirou and not Saber, in this "boy meets girl" story.
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