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Old 2014-02-05, 11:22   Link #4883
Join Date: Mar 2006
Originally Posted by Calca View Post
This chapter: Rukia suddenly retcons her weapon to be more powerful that Hitsugaya's even though his was the "most powerful ice zanpakutou".

Also she can make her body go to absolute zero for four seconds. Never mind the fact that absolute zero means no molecular movement from molecules, she can still somehow move her body. In otherwords Rukia can lower her temperature to a point where at an atomic level, all molecular motion stops (IE it is impossible to get colder than absolute zero). Nevermind the fact that at that temperature by definition any movement at all generates heat (any molecule in the universe that moves will generate heat) and that temperature is the set point by which will lack any heat. Yet at this temperature she can move her entire body which enables her to beat her opponent.

Why am I more critical of this than other chapters? Well that's easy. My degree is in a science related field which makes me reject a notion that goes against the very laws of physics much easier than others.
I'm used to psuedo science in fiction (especially in anime), but this was taking actual science, shooting in the head, burying the corpse, pissing on it, and for good measure, a spit before walking away.

I mean for pete's sake, at least try to do some research before writing stuff based on real world mechanics. It's insulting and it makes the author look like an idiot. At least try and explain why you're giving the law of physics the finger, and "fuck you, because I said so" is not an explanation.

It's a power that tries too hard. He could have easily made the power something like "My sword can create ice so dense and sharp that it can cut through anything and never break. It also freezes everything it touches to any temperature I choose, including absolute zero." Rukia then proceeds to stab guy, control temp, and freeze him in place at absolute zero.

No zombie spirit, no bullshit explanations of actual science, and it's a consistent upgrade from her previous sword abilities. It also doesn't shit all over Hitsugaya's sword, even though I believe he's a completely overrated character.

And what's really irritating is that these "training arcs" didn't actually train these guys at all. So far the only thing they've managed to produce is stronger swords. I thought the whole point of losing their bankai was to teach them that being a shinigami isn't just the sword. Apparently, it's entirely about the sword. That reliance further adds to the shallow characterization of the story. It says "screw your kido and flash steps and hollow masks", just get a bigger sword and you'll be the boss.

When your characters become defined by their gimmicks, you've failed as a writer. That's what Bleach has become over the years: a character with a gimmick fighting another character with a gimmick, with plot/characterization only used to bridge the downtime between fights, to be quickly dropped and ignored when the next battle begins.
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