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Old 2014-02-19, 13:01   Link #32897
Not Enough Sleep
Join Date: Nov 2003
Location: R'lyeh
Age: 48
China's Foreign Ministry has criticized remarks by a board member of Japan's state broadcaster who said a massacre carried out by Japanese troops in China's then-capital of Nanjing in 1937 did not happen.
China consistently reminds people of Japan's historical brutality, such as the Nanjing Massacre in which China says Japanese troops killed 300,000 people.
A post-war Allied tribunal put the death toll at 142,000, but some conservative Japanese politicians and scholars deny a massacre took place.
Naoki Hyakuta, a member of NHK's board of governors who is also a novelist and commentator, was quoted by Japanese media this week as saying the Nanjing Massacre did not happen.


Documents related to the Nanjing Massacre are being submitted for inclusion on a Unesco list by authorities in the Chinese city, state media reported on Thursday, after uproar over a Japanese bid to include suicide pilots’ farewell letters.
According to the Shanghai-based Oriental Morning Post, it is the third time that Nanjing has submitted the documents for inclusion in the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (Unesco)’s Memory of the World Register, which also includes such items as the diary of Anne Frank and Britain’s Magna Carta.


Another NHK official said last month that the practice of forcibly drafting women into military brothels during second world war was “common in any country at war”.

more news form East Asia completely ignore by the US media.
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