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Old 2014-02-27, 03:38   Link #1634
The True Culprit
Join Date: Oct 2010
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I don't think anyone is arguing otherwise. Homura's priority has been and always will be Madoka. Of course Sayaka's happiness is secondary. What impressed me is that Homura puts Sayaka's interest in second place at all. Sayaka hates Homura and plans to overthrow her. A normal human reaction is to screw an enemy over. A better person's reaction is to ignore an enemy's happiness. A decent person will place an enemy's happiness in second place. Like I said, we shouldn't expect Homura to be a saint.
What I'm saying is that Sayaka's happiness is a complete requirement for Homura to get what she wants. The alternative is to keep changing more and more parts of Madoka's life until it's unrecognizeable.

Like how? I have yet to see the details.
Well, as we literally saw in the movie, Homura can just clap her hands and shut down Sayaka's magic on a whim, irrespective of memory-altering since that came a few moments later.

She's functionally omnipotent; she has infinity options until we see otherwise.

Homura did try the talking strategy with Sayaka. Didn't work. It isn't like talking is one of Homura's strong points, given her background. She has shown consistently that she is very poor at communication and convincing others to see things her way. It doesn't help that she always try to put up a tough as nails facade in her speeches and appearance.

I also don't think Sayaka is the type that can be convinced by talking. Especially not by Homura. The chemistry between the two is bad, to say the least.
You're right, but the point I'm getting at is that Homura has options besides "Mindrape" and "dispose of this person entirely."

She didn't really try talking to her as I suggested either since she played up the Satan act to GOAD Sayaka into being as upset with her as possible.

Except that the Madokami that talked to Homura and Sayaka in episode 12 clearly hadn't lost her memories of Witches or her human life. She can see all possible universes, there's not much Madokami doesn't know.
Uh...I wasn't saying otherwise, bro? I was speaking about Sayaka's memories, not Madoka's.

I'm more inclined to believe that she's talking with Mami and Kyoko in some sort of afterlife, but I don't think she's omniscient at that point. She truly becomes the Law of Cycles, this omnipresent concept, after she destroys her own witch and erases her existence.
Agreed. What I was trying to say is that if it were a hallucination like some have argued it would imply that she possesses her omniscience because of the reasons I talked about.

I rewatched the scene on the camrip. She doesn't start tearing up until Kyosuke and Hitomi says hello to her and she turns in their direction. That and her line about how "being able to say hello to Kyosuke and Hitomi again. I never even imagined how happy that would make me." would suggest she's crying because of them not Homura.

And I doubt she'll stand for Homura's world when the truth comes out or it begins to unravel, but Homura has given her a happiness she couldn't have before. Homura didn't have to give the other girls happy lives but she did. As shown in her soul gem world, Homura's ideal scenario is safely being magical girls with all her friends.
Fair enough.

I kinda doubt if the other magical girls can have a big impact on the Law of Cycles since episode 12 showed that just Madoka alone, powered by her wish, is perfectly capable of saving all the magical girls. Yes she needed Sayaka and Nagisa for the events of Rebellion but that's a very unique, rare scenario. 99% of the time Madoka doesn't have to fear the consequences of going down to earth to save a magical girl.
While I'm inclined to agree, Sayaka clearly gained some sort of meaning and purpose besides that one scenario. It seems like Madoka has some sort of use for everyone outside of specific situations such as that.
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