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Old 2014-02-27, 04:43   Link #1635
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Originally Posted by AuraTwilight View Post

Well, as we literally saw in the movie, Homura can just clap her hands and shut down Sayaka's magic on a whim, irrespective of memory-altering since that came a few moments later.

She's functionally omnipotent; she has infinity options until we see otherwise.
I don't think the movie has given us a lot of details about exactly what Homura's powers and limitations are. She certainly seems omnipotent from what we've seen. But unlike Madoka, she doesn't seem to be omnipresent. Homura is different from Madoka in that she is physically present on earth. Homura is not an abstract concept. That to me implies that Homura is not omnipresent.

What I am saying is that, yes, it is obnoxious for Homura to change Sayaka's memories. But given that Sayaka plans to fight Homura, I struggle to think of a more gentle or nice way for Homura to keep Sayaka in line. Homura may disarm Sayaka once. But then what? If Homura is not omnipresent, she can't follow Sayaka around 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and clap her hands whenever Sayaka plans to rebel. From the movie, it doesn't seem like Homura had a lot of time to decide what to do with Sayaka. Talks just broke down, Sayaka almost summoned Oktavia. Homura only had a few seconds to react before the fight began. At that point, any form of negotiation is no longer possible.

You blame Homura for goading Sayaka into attacking, and that's a fair point. But I think Sayaka also has to share part of the blame for taking the bait. You said Homura should have talked things through with Sayaka. Fair enough, but the same should apply to Sayaka - she should have made a greater effort to talk to Homura as well, instead of summoning Oktavia when she felt like it.

I am not sure exactly what Homura did to Sayaka. Sayaka explcitly said that she would never forget that Homura is the devil, and I take her word for it. That to me seems like Homura's changes to Sayaka's memories are not permanent. These changes are probably reversible. The fact that Madoka almost regained kamihood supports this.

I rest my case.
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