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Old 2014-02-27, 21:23   Link #15
Death Usagi
Join Date: Jan 2014
Age: 28
The most unexpected thing for this series was that Ryuuko becoming totally brainwashed and becoming evil, and Satsuki and her switching their Kamui lol.

Also, is it just me or it seems the thing Ragyo and the COVERS are building looks like a rocket?

And... that scene where Junketsu was being forcefully put on Ryuuko looked totally a rape scene from a doujinshi or something...

Seriously though, the scene where Ryuuko's "happiness" was being shown, when Ryuuko was all "Yes Mother!~ AHHHH~~~" Totally didn't fit Ryuuko's character at all!!! It felt funny and weird LOL

Last edited by Death Usagi; 2014-02-27 at 21:37.
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