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Old 2014-03-03, 15:03   Link #83
The Dark Knight
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: From the deepest abyss in the world, where you think?
Age: 38
Originally Posted by kuroihikari2 View Post
Her quick reactions greatly depend on reading the flow of the particles. If the Build Knuckle does something weird/unusual with the particle flow, which it does, then it's reasonable that she won't be as great against it as the others.

The SBS in RG mode does its best against people whose skill rely on particle manipulation (Nils, Aila, Mao to a certain extent), which so happens to be the best in the tournament. Against those without it, it's just Reiji's skill.

Which means that, if Baker manipulated the seeding, then she unwittingly gave Reiji/Sei the better path to the finals. The other path had Luang and the Renato brothers.
It's a catch 22.

The "Old guard" like Fellini's generation focused on raw skill.
The "New guard" like Nils and Alina focus on particle manipulation so they are able to trump over the old guard.

Reiji and Sei are wild cards combining the two together. Reiji with his skills and Sei's knowledge of Gundam and particle manipulation which allows them to trump over the New guard.

Against the old guard they would definitely struggle because if you strip the "particle manipulation" then it just bogs down to raw skill and people like Fellini are really just that plus experience.

In any case while the fight was less than what I hoped for this episode was really about Aila and Reiji.

Though these "sponsors" are throwing an awful lot of money into this tournament. I mean what's the prize?
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