Thread: Licensed + Crunchyroll Nagi no Asukara (Nagi-Asu: A Lull in the Sea)
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Old 2014-03-07, 20:56   Link #2873
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Join Date: Jan 2008
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Age: 42
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I don't know how Hikari could be considered a selfish bully. What exactly is he selfishly trying to gain? Who exactly is he bullying?

Hikari wears his emotions on his sleeve and he tends to be very direct. That's actually pretty commonplace for guys his age, going by my own memory of being a guy in junior high in the 90s.

He has a naturally forceful personality, yes, but he doesn't use it for particularly selfish aims or to bully people. When he gets angry it's usually for a good reason. He has a good reason to be angry here - One of his closest friends has been strangely altered, for an unknown reason. His world is going through increasingly severe weather conditions and his people continue to sleep - Why are him, Kaname, and Manaka the only ones to wake up so far? It is deeply concerning, in my view. If anything, I find the relative passivity of most of the rest of the main cast a bit odd.

I know that Hikari could easily come off as dangerously controlling of a close female friend during the first few episodes. That understandably rose red flags for many viewers, myself included. But when you reinterpret those early scenes with what we now know about his character, it's clear that Hikari is simply very protective of the people he cares about, and goes about being protective in a very direct and forceful way. It can give the wrong impression, and maybe sometimes he crosses the line, but his heart is in the right place.

If anything, I think it's good we have a hotblooded male lead rather than another milquetoast "doormat" male lead.
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