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Old 2014-03-09, 03:23   Link #276
Join Date: May 2012
Location: with Maki-sama
Age: 32
Originally Posted by kco143 View Post
I actually knew about their relationship from the very beginning of the show, because you are given a brief hint of it in I believe the first or second episode. When Akane is walking into Shion's lab, Yayoi appears in the doorway and stares at her for a moment, giving Shion enough time to put her pants back on. It's only shown for about a second, so I'm sure most people probably missed it.

With that in mind, when Yayoi shows fondness towards that other female rocker, its easy to assume that she probably has feelings for her, which further shows us viewers Yayoi's sexual preference.
I am one of the people who noticed and I think he'll think it was good to see 'more' of these 'little detail, however small have barely noticed. '

But I think it is like its because we must not forget this anime is not a "yuri" and these two: Yayoi and Shion are "secondary" characters
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