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Old 2014-03-11, 03:54   Link #93
Lord of Fire
The Voice of Reason
Join Date: Feb 2010
Location: The Netherlands
Age: 47
Originally Posted by kyou13 View Post
I disagree with you.
Even Nibutani, well a Japanese ofc, more than once, thought that Rikka and Yuta didn't look like a real couple. She couldn't believe that after 3 months they only held hands, nothing else and even tried to escalate things for the 2.
That said, how the hell is this relationship perfectly normal!?
Nibutani is a self-proclaimed expert in romance, who, despite her seemingly vast knowledge, has yet to score a date of her own. She's hardly what I would call absolute authority on the subject.

A lot of people have very high expectations when they have their first real relationship, but how may of those actually meet those expectations? How many guys indeed get to kiss, or even have sex with their newly-acquired girlfriends right off the bat, or at least within a short timeframe? And even if the answer is a lot, that still means there are some people who take their sweet little time.

Yuuta may have a slight idea of what to expect or what he wants with Rikka, but considering his past experience of forcing his will upon her and how that ended up hurting her, he's taking his time, allowing her to find out for herself what she wants. This will take time, but the progress is there, albeit slower than most people are apparently willing to accept.
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