Thread: Licensed Simoun
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Old 2006-03-18, 22:27   Link #12
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: New Zealand
Originally Posted by Dragnfly@Gamefaqs
Hey! I wonder. If you blow on the tail of that ship will the swirly part unravel forward and make a "WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" sound? Like those things they have at kid's parties?
It's certainly not your typical Gundam-inspired mecha. I hadn't quite looked at it from your, um, unique perspective though

And it's a minor thing but what is it about that blonde girl's face? Is her mouth just a tad bit too wide? Is it the style of blush? Something just makes her face look different than all the other characters.
I dunno, maybe we're just used to anime-proportioned faces (which would look way scary in RL, I suspect). Regardless, Aeru has the cutest hairstyle ever - this character just cries out to be cosplayed!

Other Simoun tidbits:

For anyone not following the New Announced Anime thread, a preliminary trailer has been spotted.

The first episode title is 堕ちた翼 Dachita Tsubasa, which appears to translate as "Fallen Wing(s)". I'm confused about the translation of the first word though: 堕 da doesn't seem to be a word in its own right, and from my minimal knowlege of Japanese grammar I don't see how you'd construct 堕ちた from the nearest compound 堕する dasuru (meaning "descend to" or "lapse into"). Unless ちた is from the verb ちる chiru meaning "fall", and 堕 adds a moral connotation of it being a fall from grace?

I started this thread with the speculation that the words simoun and siwula might be Korean, but I now think that's wrong. Going by the aircraft name mentioned previously, simoun is more likely derived from the Arab word for "sandstorm". Interestingly, a related word qibli might also be familiar to anime fans...

Siwula meanwhile appears to be a common Polish surname. It is neither widely known nor true that its inclusion in the series is due to the director, Junji "Stan" Nishimura, having played jazz trombone with the famous Blaise Siwula (scroll down to May 2002 for details on one of their gigs).
And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,
Slouches towards Akihabara to be born?
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