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Old 2006-03-19, 06:28   Link #74
♪~ Daydreaming ~♪
*Graphic Designer
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: Italy
Tutorial: How to do a (non continuos) loop

I've been asked for, plus I see it as a common trouble for the beginners.
Hence I thought to realize a quick and (hopefully) handy tutorial on how to realize a good loop on an animated gif.

Done with Adobe ImageReady CS2.

Let's start with something extremely simple.

She's Saber, from Fate/stay night. Cute, isn't she? ^^ Anyway, that's not how the original sequence was.
Please notice that the gif is already bordered because this guide isn't meant to explain that.

Step 1 : Starting Point

After having captured the frames and removed the double ones, I had something like this:

Spoiler for Step 1:

Step 2: First frame and Last frame.

The solution is quite simple, just define and remember the first and the last frame of your sequence. Because those are very important, and also won't be touched for now.

Step 3: Middle Frames

The frames in the middle, instead, will need to be duplicated and then placed backwards.
Sounds difficult? It isn't. Just follow the samples:

Spoiler for Step 3:

Step 4: Proceding along the road

Now just proceed with the same method with the frame remained, be careful not to duplicate frames you had already duplicated before.
Again, you'll need to duplicate them and to place them in the last position. Practically, you're placing the frames of your original sequence again, but backwards, that's why the order is so important.

Spoiler for Step 4:

Step 5 : The Timing
Necessary to have a fancy gif.

Do you rememeber I told to define and remember a first and last frame for our sequence? Ok, now let's change their timing.
This is not a continuos loop hence put quite an high timing (I mean, not 0.1 seconds or alike).

Spoiler for Step 5:

Final result:

As for the transitional frames (the ones between the first and the last, and those that we have duplicated and replaced as well), it's your choice to either let them timed to 0 sec or slightly retime them.
With them being at 0 sec (or "no delay") the sequence will look a bit faster


You can retime the transitional, I'd say.. up to 0.15 seconds each. Either way, the gif would become choppy.

I usually go with 0.12 each, and here it goes our final result, which was our starting point as well.

The difference is very subtle but still I prefere this way ^^

As for continuos loops:


Done with this tutorial, hope I've been clear enough. ^^

Good gifmaking to all

Last edited by Pellissier; 2006-03-19 at 11:23.
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