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Old 2014-03-23, 20:34   Link #1069
Senior Member
Join Date: Sep 2008
Age: 38
Wow, Kachidori is a freaking tank. Took slashes from the bowblade as if he were merely being shoved, and took an energy shot from it as if he had only been kicked. And Sagara's more than just "in the know" as far as Helheim goes, which is nuts. Yet the future sight Mai look-a-like doesn't entirely seem to know who he is, either (at the very least, she's surprised he knows who she is, which would imply she doesn't know him any better than anyone else she's appeared before). Glad she finally came back, since it's been a while since she showed up.

As for the actual plot, I wonder if Kaito's going to somehow get an Overlord Lock Seed or something. He was already becoming rather insignificant in terms of power due to the energy locks, but now with the overlords and kachidori arms he's falling even further back.

Also... was it just me, or was Kouta totally channeling his inner Touma there? Destroying the world's illusions (rules) and all.
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