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Old 2014-03-26, 18:16   Link #59
Artful Dodger
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Join Date: Aug 2010
Originally Posted by Luminion Lancer View Post
- I just find him obtaining Rinnengan to be amusing and in-line with his character: he worked himself to the ground so much that the universe bent over and said "You win. Here's your prize" and obtains a power he never really should have been able to have in the first place.
When did Naruto train for a power he “never should have been able to have”? I don’t see how this makes obtaining rinnegan “in-line” with his character? That just seems like a contrived justification/excuse to get some power-up. This sounds as ill-suited as those bad fanart images of Naruto wearing an akatsuki robe; just out of place and done just to look cool.
-I was talking about the parallels presented here between him and Ashura. I did not mention the Rinnengan there at all.
Uh, I’ll just take that as “there are no relevant parallels”. I never said you mentioned the rinnegan there, I asked you a question. The point I’m making is that this doesn’t align well with the story and character/clan associations (which kishimoto makes so glaringly obvious).
Besides, why would he need parallels in order to obtain a mystical eye? He could just ask Obito for the current one and have it transplanted and done.
lol, that sounds like it came straight out of one of those horrible fanfics spread around just before the chapter release, and precisely the type of quick-fixes that are NOT in-line with Naruto’s character.
And maybe you should re-read what you wrote. You’re the one who brought-up parallels between Naruto and Ashura, saying if Naruto was to be an “Ashura 2.0” you’d welcome him gaining rinnegan as if the parallels they share have something to do with the rinnegan.
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