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Old 2014-03-27, 01:49   Link #615
The Hegemon-King of Chu.
Join Date: Apr 2012
Originally Posted by DragoonKain3 View Post
My personal theory revolves around Japan being the mecca for childhood friend romance, combined with them not being icked about first cousin marriages. So as a writer, how do you do better than 'someone you've known all you're life' and 'someone related to you via your parent's siblings'? How about 'someone you've been with even before you can remember' and 'somone related to you via your parents'? In other words, your sibling.

(And in all honesty, the way the two are usually portrayed in anime are very similar. Greatest example of this is NakaImo, where the very question the series raises is, how do you differentiate between your childhood friend and your blood related sister apart from a DNA test?)

Well, that, and the fact that their most popular myths are laden with incest. With Izanagi/Izanami, Amaterasu/Tsukuyomi, and even the imperial Japanese family thought to be descended from good ol' Ammy herself... so in the realm of fiction, why not I guess? XD

Tell me about it. I've got a post here that's like 8 years old lol. I mean, holy crap, what the heck was I watching all those years ago? XD

I'm going with the same explanation. Generally speaking, Japan has a more romantic grasp of incestuous romances than most cultures. Their myths and histories are full of such couples, and some of the stories are pretty touching when viewed in the right perspective.
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