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Old 2014-03-27, 01:53   Link #5257
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Join Date: Apr 2006
Originally Posted by Velvetj View Post
I'm questioning that guy's power. I'm not sure of how great of an effect on reality he has on an opponent with just his imagination. When Yachiru succumbed to "cookie bones", he may have started with her arm, but with the way he was talking to Yachiru, it's like he needs her to believe the effect to come true. So he may have some influence, but he gives his opponents the suggestion ("you just imagined...", "you imagined this, too, am I right?") which causes them to believe also.

With that basis, I'm thinking the Kenpachi fighting is a product of Yachiru's imagination. Whenever she was in trouble, Kenpachi was there to save her. To her, Kenpachi is invincible. From today's chapter, I kinda feel Kenpachi's subordinates questioning why they didn't notice Kenpachi's reiatsu until then, Kenpachi just brushing off the guy's abilities, and Yachiru just sitting there staring as further support that it's Yachiru's imagination of the invincible Kenpachi becoming reality. Even that last statement, "that you can't even give Yachiru a second thought", gives me the feeling that the guy is a fool for not focusing on Yachiru.
Interesting, I was also wondering if the power of imagination might require the opponent to do the imagining rather than just V doing it. However, it raises one question, how was V able to use his power on the unconscious captains?
So people understand that I do not take these discussions seriously, its all good fun.
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