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Old 2014-04-02, 09:33   Link #12975
Ultraviolet X
Senior Member
Join Date: Feb 2014
I can't beleive im quoting this post so early.

Originally Posted by Ultraviolet X View Post
Mary-Sue: A female fanfiction character who is so perfect as to be annoying. The male equivlalent is the Marty-Stu. Often abbreviated to "Sue". A Mary Sue character is usually written by a beginning author. Often, the Mary Sue is a self-insert with a few "improvements" (ex. better body, more popular, etc). The Mary Sue character is almost always beautiful, smart, etc... In short, she is the "perfect" girl. The Mary Sue usually falls in love with the author's favorite character(s) and winds up upstaging all of the other characters in the book/series/universe.

To clarify the definition, its basically a character who is completely unrealistic in the fictional world there written/seen in. They tend to be perfect in every way, completely flawless, or have tiny flaws that can't really be spotted. They tend to breeze through any obstacle effortlessly.
Ive checked a few sites for the definition, and it does not change. Its simply the interpretation of other people that does. The things that vary depending on the show/book is this part.

- A character who is unrealistic in the fictional world there in.

Read the part where I clarifyed the definition, i tried to make it as simple as possible. Tatsuya has no chance of fitting it. Miyuki on the other hand, is actually debatable. And yes, Bella from twilight does fit, its more obvious after she becomes a vampire.

Last edited by Ultraviolet X; 2014-04-02 at 12:19.
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