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Old 2006-03-22, 00:39   Link #1
Join Date: Nov 2003
naming a series by its translation instead of pronunciations?

As everyone already knows, most of fansubbers name the series they sub according to the pronunciations of the name. That is very difficult to remember and doesn't mean a thing. Most people who watch fansub are non Japanese speaking people, wouldn't it be easier for most of us to understand and hence, remember the name of series we watched?

For example, "Yami to Boushi to Hon no Tabibito." My God, this is such a long name (and so hard to remember) and there are longer ones out there. I bet few people can remember its full name. It makes it difficult to do search and find the correct ones. When you are talking about it, you are like, "umm, what's the name again? Sorry I can't recommend this series because I can't remember the name!" That's why those long names are often cut-short when people are posting here. Therefore, why don't we just use a name that makes sense to most of us?

Isn't the prupose of fansubbing to help people learn the series that probably will not get chance of being licensed? What good would it do if nobody remember the name just because this ridiculous reasons?
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