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Old 2014-04-12, 22:32   Link #17
Join Date: Sep 2010
Location: InterWebs
My main point was, "Civilizations" has always been rooted on historical settings, even if they're not entirely accurate. Going to space completely steps outside of that, so IMO at the very least it should have a different name even if the genre is basically the same. My biggest fear is that after this comes out, CIV VI or CIV VII or the next ones might no longer have historical root and continue with the space theme. Here's hoping the name "Beyond Earth" functions as such distinction.

Anyways, since this time the starting timeline is space, I also fear the possible Civ candidate is greatly narrowed down unless it takes place in a fictional world, or if we also have Alien Civs. As awesome as Space Mayans, Space Ottomans, or Space Mongols sound, I doubt they'll be in this game. Or who knows, maybe they'll decide "screw it" and put them in
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