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Old 2014-04-13, 01:30   Link #51974
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Originally Posted by OHIMESAMA View Post
I won't argue with that.
But speaking of powerful IS, the Self-Aware IS or SAIS in your fic, they scare me at times whenever I re-read the chapters where they do battle with the protagonists. And they scare me even more when I knew that the first two that attacked where just holding back, geez what happens if they go all out.
Anyway can you at least post one of the abilities of the SAIS leader, Justice, just a request.
Justice is the final boss in Truth be Told and the most powerful among her siblings.
She is OP for a reason.

Most of Justice's abilities lie on complete control and manipulation of the forces around her. Here is some of her abilities (this still needs refinement).
The name speaks for itself. Justice's ability to constantly evolve herself further allowed her to know and understand all there is to know.
Law Manipulation:
Having full understanding of every process, characteristics
Justice can manipulate the laws of matter and energy, basically the laws of physics.
But she can manipulate things further. She can ban certain laws to her advantage. Like disrupt gravity, nullify momentum, manipulate temperature, control pressure, warp space, bend all matter to her will, etc.....
Laws of Change:
This ability of Justice inclines to changing the logical outcome of all processes. This ability relies on her Law Manipulation ability. After completely manipulating one certain law, Laws of Change kicks in. This allows Justice to either nullify or rewrite that law to her own discretion.
Dimensional Dominion:
Justice can tear through dimensional barriers and create gaps and entrances to other material of ethereal dimension. This ability also enables her to destroy the divide between dimensions, causing a collision of all things present in those two dimensions.

This is just some of Justice's abilities. Tell me what you think.
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