Thread: Game of Thrones
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Old 2014-04-15, 20:42   Link #1153
Midnight Commander
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Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: Command center, the ship's bridge
Originally Posted by Owlman View Post

2. Prince Obryn - The man actually admitted to Tyrion he didn't really come for the wedding, and hinted heavily that he came to avenge his family (e.g. "Lannisters aren't the only ones who pay their debts."). He also still has Cersei's daughter in Dorn, in case he's in danger.

If prince Obryn was to do it, he doesn't strike me as the type to do it so discretely. He'd want the Lannisters to know he did it, and I don't think I've seen anyone speak to Tywin the way he did at the reception. I'm very excited about this character for this season; from what I understand he's a skilled fighter as well.

Originally Posted by GDB View Post
Wouldn't that mean Cersi or Tywin would be the regent, not Margaery?
I'm thinking Tywin would step in to (officially)call the shots until Joffrey's brother came of age, and while Margaery should be the queen regent, I'm sure Cersei will use her influence muscle her out of the way somehow.

Unrelated... It seems as if Melisandre and her "lord of light" don't seem to know or care about Daenerys' doings. You'd think that she'd be seen as a viable threat to them considering her progress, and Melisandre would have called her name along with the other three during her ritual with the leeches. Do they not know, or simply not care? Perhaps the "lord of light" has actually been helping Daenerys?

Last edited by Midnight Commander; 2014-04-15 at 20:54.
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