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Old 2014-04-23, 14:42   Link #2197
Of Infinite Resignation
Join Date: Jul 2013
Location: Canada
Age: 29
Originally Posted by Inept Forum User View Post
Apologies in advance for asking questions which are on subjects with little evidence available (and poorly written):
I'm going to ignore the endless debate going on and try to answer your questions that everyone basically ignored to the best of my knowledge.
*Aside from the two examples featured in the Amakusa SS, what pieces of folklore or mythology do you reckon could be classed as having 'fallen into the "cracks"'?
It's hard to tell what Kamachi had in mind with that. The closest thing related to that is probably the Aarne–Thompson fairy tale classification system, which was created specifically to help folklorists identify recurring motifs in tales.

Not sure it is related though.
*For the downloaded arsenal of the British Museum, most of the replicated spiritual items weren't given much description so it is difficult to guess what their identity and mechanics might be, but...are there any which anyone would be willing to venture a guess as to what they might be based on?
Well they could either be part of the Crown Jewels of the United Kingdom, or the Thirteen Treasures of the Island of Britain.
*Following on from the above, are there any particular spells in the series, of which we currently don't know the basis for, which people have theories/speculation concerning their basis?
Not that I know of.
*Regarding the satellite Xiuhcoatl, what do you reckon is its fuel setup?
sigh, right, I still have to read Railgun SS. I will have to get to it one of these days.
*Can you think of any pieces of potential bases, that could possibly be used for aspect/symbolic interference with regards to magical mechanics?
Not sure what you mean here. Could you clarify?
This is nine! Nine! This is nine! Nine! This is ten! Ten! We have killed your friends! Every friend is now dead! This is six! Six! ... Eighteen! This is now eighteen! Take cover when the siren sounds! This is four! Four! ... Five! This is five! Ignore the siren! Even if you leave this room, you can never leave this room! Eight! This is eight! ... Six, this is six. This is goddamn fucking six!
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