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Old 2006-03-25, 00:31   Link #14
Aria Company
Join Date: Nov 2003
Originally Posted by raikage
You can say the same thing about paper books.

Editors can change stuff before printing.
I don't think you got what I meant. If everything is digital, it would be a simple matter, in theory, of having an updater that will edit out anything ''subversive'' in existing works or altering them to better reflect the current political ideology.

Of course, like I said it's just me being paranoid. It may be simple in theory, but it would likely be very difficult in practice. There's always going to be someone who transfers e-books onto a seperate, completely off-line system, and anal computer geeks that insist on not letting their systems do anything without their knowledge. Not to mention the technical challanges of getting such a system to work. They would have to alter the data, and do so without anyone knowing. I doubt could be done for more than a week before being exposed. I know it's not very likely to happen, but still I'd feel better if there was a law forbidding the government from manipulating electronic data for such purposes. As if a law would stop them.
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