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Old 2014-06-01, 22:06   Link #3201
Join Date: May 2014
Haruno's comment about Yukino not being chosen could mean something different though.

Aside from that one line from Haruno, everything else kind of fits.

I personally think Haruno and Yukino's strained relationship is something that happened just recently. And that this event is the reason for Yukino living in an apartment by herself. I may be wrong about Haruno sacrificing herself for Yukino, it doesn't have to be that dramatic, but it could be possible that Haruno was given more and more responsibility and she might've felt pressured by it. And that strain caused a change in the sisters relationship. Yukino probably could not help because of her disposition ( ice queen aura - AoE 45 dps)- which was a result of something that happened in elementary, that also most likely had to do with Hayama.

Whatever the case, I'm still somewhat convinced that what Yukino wants to save is her relationship with Haruno. The one they had when they were kids.
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