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Old 2014-06-04, 20:41   Link #8
The Shermain
Join Date: Aug 2009
Location: NY
Age: 45
Originally Posted by Kirito View Post
Yay! The creator of GE aka "the manga that made me facepalm so many time" has created a new manga series. I admit, the teacher x student thing has me interested, but I just hope that Sasuga-sensei has redeemed herself in her ability to write a decent love story. And it looks like it'll be practically an "incest" story with the imouto having the MC's first...nice!

Other than that, I will watch this and I just hope it won't become a big clusterf**k like GE during the whole ex-boyfriend issue "shudders in disgust".
I loved GE in the beginning... I ended up dropping it around chapter 90 or so. It started out so good, but as you said, it got really bad as it went on. Second only to KNIM, imo.

The premise of this sounds even worse, like it's been pulled right out of day time soap operas, ripe for NTR or worse. I think I'll be skipping it. I'd rather not read another series where decent characters are ruined by overly melodramatic plots and bad writing/constant stupid decisions.... Which then all get swept under the rug for a forced pairing happy ending and no good character development.

What I wouldn't give to have a series like GE where the girl does something idiotic or makes a bad decision and the MC actually moves on with his life with another (well-developed) girl instead of dumping his girlfriend like a hot potato to run back to his old girlfriend. It could serve as a good cautionary tale about how mistakes can't always be fixed and that people don't stay obsessed with one person for their whole lives-- and that sometimes people move on.

Last edited by KLGChaos; 2014-06-04 at 20:52.
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