Thread: Licensed Akame ga kill [Manga]
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Old 2014-06-06, 17:58   Link #4465
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Originally Posted by K. Shiruto View Post
Shura will have his entire body frozen to the core before he can even lay a finger on Esdese.

Dorothea is scarier, if you ask me. One knows what that alchemist might become if she ever finds Dr. Stylish secret laboratory. The foreshadowing is strong in here, because that secret place was hinted to hide big things. And we've already seen Wild Hunt are no pushovers.
Add onto that:
She cannot even be compared to Champ,Enshin and Cosmina.
They were just twisted and mindless rapists.

Said it before, Dorothea and Izou are IMO by FAR the most dangerous of Wild Hunt cause they're mindset is completely different.
They are still Monsters, but they don't give a shit about rape,humiliation,degrading and disgrace (Which for example, was Cosmina's downfall).

It's been made clear enough, Izou just wants to butcher his enemies and Dorothea made a big enough statement by sitting on a pile of corpses.Hell, it was HER who charged head in first into the killing in Umatora as soon as Shura gave word.
These two are just nuts about killing, especially Izou.
He's not some "Berserker" but his love for slaughter is just so intense.

Dr. Stylish lab is just the icing on the cake.
I mean for fucks sake, this is the guy who modified Seryuu.
Dorothea already has Body Mods, so if she gets her hands on Stylish stuff, it's over man.Threat level of her would be through the roof.
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