Thread: Licensed Date A Live II
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Old 2014-06-14, 09:42   Link #1225
Master Eugenist
Join Date: Jul 2013
If you don't like ep 10 just because they rushed pls consider this :

+Of course everyone want the anime to stay true to the novel and everything must be like the novel , but the novel cover a lot , and that mean the animators have to draw a lot....lot of frame , which is very time consuming , even for a normal movement , and time is not a luxury thing for a studio that have to handle many projects .

+ Be happy that they didn't stray too far from the novel , there are animes , that rushed way too fast and to save time , the studio didn't animate the event in Novel , for example , Zero no tsukaima , there is a chapter in which the main char drive the Tiger tank and kick asses , in the anime ,instead , they drew a......Flak gun......
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