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Old 2014-06-20, 17:00   Link #1832
So....its you.....
Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: take a guess?
Originally Posted by Wild Goose View Post
For The Day Beyond Hope, we're thinking a loop length of about 30 hours, like All You Need is Kill (well, we're discussing, we haven't confirmed 24 or 30 hours). So by the time Yui finds out she's pregnant the baby's already at least a few weeks down the road, and then there's the question of if she loops, will she bring her baby with her? Part of me thinks that a loop will cause a miscarriage, Yezar suggests that since the baby shares the mother's blood & body it should survive the loop, and AMT is just rubbing his hands at the prospect of dumping more suffering on Yui.

To an extent though, at some point we do need to stop, look and go, is all of this serving a point, or are we all just torturing Yui because it pleases us?

Another concept idea that was suggested was what if Masatada had found out about Yuuya and brought him back to Japan earlier when he was a lot younger. You'd then have both father and son trying to adapt to each other, and then some sibling drama when Yui comes along. Definitely Yuuya would follow his dad into the IRG.

IRG!Yuuya wouldn't necessarily be the object of Yui's romantic affections, though they would both love each other dearly and Yuuya would be a protective older brother, who takes heart what his father said about taking care of his younger sister. In the aftermath of Kyoto, IRG Yuuya would therefore be filled with guilt that he couldn't protect his jellimouto and thus the overprotectiveness goes up to 12. (Yeah, he had a good reason for not saving Yui, he was being badass in a Zuikaku with Ikaruga, but you try convincing him of that. )

On one hand though, this kills a significant amount of drama in Episode 3-6, because Yuuya is already dialed into Japanese TSF doctrine. Although I think he'd still stall out in his Fubuki. And make the same comparisons as Canon Yuuya did.

....but of all the ideas, I think I like expanding Finding-verse the best.
i think the child would be reset along the mother if its going along the route of All you need is kill. keiji in the book repeatedly mentions that nothing with him is physically changed, only mentally.

As or IRG! yuuya. you could have him and yui go along the route of
Mahouka with the sister having borderline love/ worship tendency to the older brother after the latter saving the former's life during a traumatic experience , eg kyoto or some other prior event.

Though in this particular universe, yuuya might replace yui's role completely in the the Alsaka arc. Unless Yui is still the project manager and her brother is the japanese test pilot, with the USA supplying another pilot. With TDA 0 out now in english i believe that enough is known about Wilbert to write him in character in a fanfic. Though it doesn't make sense to me to have IRG!yuuya perform poorly in a japanese machine initially or that why the japanese sent IRG officers to oversee and project meant for developing equipment for the IJA.
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