Thread: Licensed + Crunchyroll Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon Crystal
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Old 2014-07-05, 06:30   Link #14
Blooming on the mountain
Join Date: May 2010
Location: Deep in their roots, all flowers keep the light....
I think it would be best to say upfront that I am a big fan of the 90's adaptation (all 5 seasons and movies) of the Sailor Moon manga source material, and have also read the latter as well. So for me I am definitely not coming into the series with a blank slate, but have both the anime adaptations and manga in mind comparison wise.

Yup... same VA as in the Legacy anime version of Sailor Moon. And it is true that she can be kinda "nails on the blackboard" for some people, but I got used to her pretty quick years ago, and am quite used to her now. More than that, I actually kinda found it a little endearing and nostalgic.

Let's see then... I enjoyed ep 1 plain and simple. The OP was okay, I guess, but I enjoyed the ED more. The CR tl was only ok, I felt, and they seemed to miss some specific terms, as others have pointed out, but I am glad the tl'd the OP and ED at least, so kudos for that.

Luna's VA worked out really well for me - she sounded close to the Legacy version but had a more pleasant quality to her, somehow. I was also pleasantly surprised on hearing Umino's VA - the Legacy version kinda grated on me a little early on, though I guess I got used to that too. Is the VA for Tuxedo Mask the same as in tne Legacy version? They sounded really close to me.

Most of the other VA's were plenty fine, but did not catch my notice the same way the above mentioned ones did.

I thought that the art felt like a deliberate effort to "level up" from the Legacy version, and while I enjoyed the transformation sequence I wish they hadn't used cgi that much.

Other than that, as others have said, it is faithful story wise to the first chapter of the manga.

However, prolly the best part of this series is that it is a guaranteed insta follow for me - it is something I will be anticipating and if ep 1 is any indication it looks like the adaptation will be a solid one.
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