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Old 2014-07-10, 16:35   Link #19
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Join Date: May 2013
Location: Chicago
The one word I could think of after finishing this, was....Riveting. This series had me so enthralled from beginning to end. I was amazed at the animation, the writing, the music, the characters (well, Lisa needs some work ), it was all really good.

When I first heard of this show, I just couldn't see how it was going to work. Telling the story of, and essentially glorifying the exploits of a couple of terrorists, especially ones that are working on the scale of 9/11 is extremely hard and I didn't see how you could do it. You had to somehow make the audience connect with these main characters, and it's pretty hard to connect to someone who would kill innocents in such a way just to get their point across.

However, somehow, this show managed to do that. To see the background of Nine and Twelve and to see what they can do, you get the idea that they are the product of some sort of government covered-up project that involved experimentation on children. This, and the fact that you can see both do have a sense of morals to them, gives the characters the depth and sympathy they need for the audience to connect. Both 9 and 12 are extremely smart, almost to a superhuman degree. Nine's ability to see every corridor of the building in his mind, and Twelve's way of remembering the name of every single person he meets. You just want to know what happened to these kids and what kind of cover-up are they trying to unveil to the world with their attacks?

I like the detective already too. He reminds me of the detective in V for Vendetta. As for their new accomplice, Lisa, there's really not much to her. A bullied girl who seems to have a weird mom that texts her every second. She keeps throwing up and I constantly wonder if she's either bulimic or pregnant. However, it will be interesting to see how she contributes to the plot.

This series looks like it's going to have multiple layers and mysteries and I can't wait to see where it will go from here.
"Someone who cannot forgive lies or secrets, will never trust another."

- Major Kyosuke Hyobu
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