Thread: Licensed M3 ~Sono Kuroki Hagane~
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Old 2014-07-23, 22:24   Link #347
Waiting for more taiyuki!
Join Date: Jan 2004
Originally Posted by BBOvenGuy View Post
They've been saying all along that Minashi and Sasame are unusually well-synchronized in their thoughts and feelings. If you believe that, then Minashi has simply been stating out loud what Sasame already thinks and feels. If you don't, then yes Minashi has been manipulating her.

Personally, I've been accepting what the show has told us about them, because we haven't seen any reason why Minashi would want to manipulate Sasame like that, and because it's not really playing fair with the audience if they're lying. However... just because it's not playing fair doesn't mean they wouldn't do it. I'll admit it's possible for them to pull something out of their rear ends and have Minashi be lying.
Well if he wants Sasame to stay with him "forever" then he's not going to be happy when Sasame and Akashi walks into the sunset. "Forever" can only happen if she's a LIM.

With the new OP, they've only been kissing off screen for 13 episodes.
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