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Old 2014-07-28, 07:16   Link #15
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Originally Posted by MeggieMay View Post
My theory about how the Princess and the maid know it's Martians who were trying to kill her. The letter from Rayet's father. Those who've seen the supplementary materials for the show have seen the letter. Maybe the reason we know is that Assylum received the letter at the location she was staying behind at. That would have told her what was going on and could be the reason she and the maid fled.

As to her Grandfather being behind her assassination attempt - plausible but it could go a few other ways. I do think Assylum is way to sure that her Grandfather will support her but if she does make it out of all of this alive she's pretty much proven she's made of stern enough stuff to lead the Empire. BTW, if I remember the supplemental stuff correctly, it wasn't her Grandfather Ray who started the last war but her father. It ended when he died. I think the Crown Prince's death is needing to be looked at closer to explain just what is going on here, on the VERS Empire side of things.
I like both the theories, Irenesharda's and yours, about the grandfather and the father. Surely so far I sense a lack of serious enemies vibes from the VERS, I mean, I'm not expecting much of an improvement from the knights whenever they will appear. Or at least I don't see them as the real deal. So I can see a twist about what we consider, or should consider a safe zone/point. So this, or the actual cast that will be split to fight against each other due to different views about the path to follow.

I didn't read any supplementary materials, so my thoughts about how the maid and Seylum knew about the conspiracy is that something happened after that the princess "got killed".
Why they were wandering alone around the city. What happened to their entourage? My speculation is that A) the princess' delegation was itself involved in the conspiracy so the moment the parade got wiped out they tried to get rid of the maids, the loli one and the double. That would imply that Seylum is indeed the double, because I suppose all the entourage would have known who was who in these situations, it's a decision that would be taken among the entourage and not just between the Princess and the double. Officially. There is still the possibility that due to a sort of confidence between the princess and the double they decided to keep it secret from the rest of the entourage. Did they do that by chance or did they suspect something? But that would not explain how they knew about the spies, that is a very circumstantial detail.
So B) probably the Terrain conspirators had also planned to get rid of the whole princess' delegation, or just part of it. That could mean that the maid and Seylum saw by chance people of their delegation confabulating with some suspicious Terrains and then some of their entourage getting killed by these people. So they ran away. Again they should have known about the double, here the explanation is the same as above.
And the accomplice part of the delegation went back to confirm the princess death and the events making all more plausible.

Not that these speculations are free from inconsistencies, like if they ran away, why nobody chased them down? But in any case surely something happened.

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