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Old 2014-07-30, 02:02   Link #4
( ಠ_ಠ)
Join Date: Jul 2006
Location: Somewhere, between the sacred silence and sleep
She's cute, pretty much like what you expect from any Tontatta girl
Her double-odango long hair braids reminds me of Sailor Moon.

Kyuiin is a pun of "Kyuuin", meaning suction. Hence the vacuum cleaner.
Also the princess's servant Maujii is the stereotypical senior butler who serves a young lady.

Another thing to note, Franky tricks Senior Pink to go help a non-existent elderly lady so he can get in the Factory.
Pink returned from his futile rescue to be crushed by suplexed Kyuiin. Wonders why a gentleman like him is serving Doflamingo lol.
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