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Old 2014-08-12, 02:35   Link #783
Asuki-tan Kairin ↓
Join Date: Feb 2004
Location: Fürth (GER)
Age: 43
Originally Posted by Irenicus View Post
In short, you are so eager to be anti-American that you ignore the relative lack of importance and influence the Americans have over events in Ukraine?
Excuse me? I am as anti US as I am anti German or anti Eu or anti Russian. I may not be as deluded and nationalistic (as in blindly believing everything ruling elites say).

Originally Posted by Irenicus View Post
I swear, they could launch a massive rescue operation to save twenty thousand Yazidis from genocide tomorrow and you people would start asking questions why they re-invaded Iraq or something.
Swear what you want, but the lack of background knowledge in everything eastern Europe does not make your Yazidi-rescue strawman a credible argument for east european politics.

Originally Posted by Irenicus View Post
So the American-delivered rhetoric of freedom -- tainted as it is by the actual actions or lack thereof of the American government -- still gathers hearts and minds in corrupt, oppressed countries. Ergo, when people rise up and challenge existing regimes, it's the Americans' fault for not supporting them, and the Americans' fault if they support them. K.
See, this is precisely my point you clearly defend a buzzword "freedom" no matter the cost and consenquences.
Freedom is completely subjective. According to the US doctrine a country would be more free, the closer it opperates with the US. So, how much freedom have the people gained in the Ukraine?
Especially in East Ukraine, who are now closer to Russia, while the west Ukraine is closer to the EU/US. In terms of actual, measurable freedom both sides gained very little. This was never about freedom, this was about foreign interests in the Ukraine. The problem is, that all this cost simply too many civilian lives. The people in the former East Germany could rid themselves from a similarily surpressive regime without all that death. Fortunately they were not as much a subject of international block headedness back then.

Originally Posted by Irenicus View Post
Not to mention, it wasn't the Americans. Among the flags raised during the Maidan in defiance of Yanukovych, no star-spangled banners were to be seen. What inspired was the European Union flag. Will Germany take responsibility? Will you ask me why should you?
I will not repeat my comments about the US interference in the case. Please read my other posts on the topic, they are very recently, so you do not have to go too far back in this thread. If you want to discuss a specific topic other then someone waving a flag, then you are welcome to do that. If anything, that would only hint to, that nobody was asking the US to meddle with the affairs in Ukraine.

However, (as I said before) I just hope this will cost Germany, the EU, the US and Russia dearly in economic terms. I am not that delusioned to believe, that the EU, Germany, the US or Russia is getting any reprimands from the international community for their involvement in Ukraine.
But in a sense of their collective block headedness they impose those sanctions to inflict this by themselves on each other.
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