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Old 2014-09-04, 21:52   Link #63
The First Rasengan!!
Join Date: Nov 2007
Originally Posted by itachi-san314 View Post
i suppose looking for sense in any of this is a fruitless endeavor. i would assume indra and ashura would have made the most sense. maybe all the duos of their reincarnations? the kages are basically strangers to hagoromo. i guess he has been watching everyone and "knows" everyone, but the villages are a pretty new creation in the scheme of things. there must have been plenty of stronger ninjas than some of the kages. its probably not worth discussing any further though. it's all pretty dumb
its probably not…but for the hell of it, the duos isn't a bad idea at all. i actually would have liked that a lot. would have fit nicely if naruto and sasuke had actually talked to ashura and indra. oh well….
but the kages are still next best. as far as strong ninjas go they are sort of the epitome of strength outside of the sages lineage so they just make sense to me. (ok I'm done

anywho. tho the chapter was a lil soft, narutos farewell to his father was actually quite touching. almost feel really bad for the kid...
Mokujin Rasengan
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