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Old 2006-04-10, 07:11   Link #25
Just call me Ojisan
Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: U.K. Hampshire
Originally Posted by Souten no Seigyoku
They will give me the age old excuse....err... I mean arguements shikimori. Its free. What more do you want? We have other things to do. Sometimes the slower, lazier subbers tend to use those reasons as an convenient, bulletproof excuse. Its free after all.

People arent stupid. They just keep quiet because if you make a big deal about it, youll get banned from the forum/site/irc. That was your intent wasnt it shikimori? Well I dont want to get banned from the animesuke forums so I wont tell shiki where he can go.
First of all, please read the first post of this thread, especially the requests to be polite to your fellow forum members and to keep the discussion on topic. Perhaps we should add that you shouldn't whinge and whine that the episode hasn't been fansubbed as fast as you want but then we do have a sticky posted in the Fansub forum which covers that.

Do NOT ask when the next episode will be released!

Certainly the attitude you are taking is going to get you banned from AnimeSuki for just being plain annoying. This thread is for the discussion of the anime series Ah! My Goddess, the story, please keep on-topic and stop complaining. And if you do want to reply to my post I suggest you send a PM and not post about it here.

Any further off-topic discussion is going to be deleted.
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